Our professionals provide that extra dose of talent and brainpower that can make your business competitive.
Unbiased Perspective: The last thing needed in today’s business environment is a “yes man” who simply nods his or her head in agreement. James Curtis brings originality, creativity and refreshing ideas that get the right solutions.
Fresh, new ideas: Our professionals are well suited to generate new ideas that you haven’t already considered for your small business. James Curtis brings skills in the area of information technology, legal services and financial strategy. Our specialty and expertise provides an approach that brings results.
Results: We are quick to acquire a clear view of our role in your company (e.g. how long we need to be involved), set goals and milestones for progress, and drive results.
Diplomacy: Our team asks the challenging questions that provide the “tough love” that your business needs. James Curtis provides the leadership and management that are required of the most challenging situations. We have the personality, a spirit of cooperation, and are dedicated to showing mutual respect in every situation.