Ombuds Services

To further principles of fairness and equity in the workplace.

“Each of a company’s formal channels for dealing with employees — managers, human resources, compliance programs, and hotlines — has its limitations,”

Charles L. Howard, J.D., author of The Organizational Ombudsman: Origins, Roles, and Operations – A Legal Guide

James Curtis provides neutral, informal, and confidential dispute resolution that addresses individual employee concerns and brings systemic concerns to the attention of the organization.

As an independent, neutral, confidential and informal practitioner, every employee in your organization can feel comfortable with coming forward.

Your organization can have options for dealing with concerns, fostering appropriate and efficient redress of grievances, and working for appropriate systems of change.

Mediation | Counseling | Guidance

By brining on James Curtis, your employees receive assistance needed to resolve issues of concern, guidance on the formal channels to resolve issues, and a neutral ear to vent matters regarding their employment.